Environmental, Social and Governance


Human Rights

APIC and its subsidiaries operate within countries that uphold human rights, and are committed to fostering a workplace environment that aligns with the principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This robust adherence to human rights standards underscores the Group’s dedication to ethical business practices and the well-being of all individuals involved in their value chain.

The commitment to improving human rights oversight is manifested in proactive measures such as regular assessments, audits, and continuous monitoring to ensure that human rights are upheld. APIC and its subsidiaries acknowledge that respecting and promoting human rights are integral to sustainable and responsible business practices.


The policy on preventing and addressing harassment in the workplace was revised in 2023 and represents a significant step forward in fostering a safe and inclusive working environment. Developed through a collaborative effort in partnership with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), this policy is rooted in a comprehensive review of existing policies and practices worldwide. It aims to align with global best practices while incorporating the essential components that make a protection from harassment policy robust and effective.

This policy is designed to serve as a guiding tool for preventing and addressing harassment in the workplace. In particular, it adheres to the guidelines set forth by the International Labour Organization (ILO) on Convention 190, which focuses on eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work. By leveraging these global benchmarks, the policy ensures a holistic and nuanced approach to tackling the multifaceted aspects of harassment.

This comprehensive document encompasses the roles of both duty bearers and rights-holders within the organizational structure. It delineates the responsibilities of those in positions of authority, emphasizing their duty to create and maintain a workplace culture free from harassment. Simultaneously, it empowers employees by outlining their rights and avenues for recourse, fostering a sense of agency and accountability across the organization. It also puts in place a committee responsible for receiving complaints, investigating claims, and ensuring implementation of decisions that resolve any complications, while protecting the claimants and maintaining anonymity. Claimants can use the Whistleblowing Platform to reach the committee, the Whistleblowing Platform can be accessed here.

In essence, this compilation of policy provisions stands as a testament to APIC Group’s commitment to eradicating harassment from the workplace. It serves as a practical and ethical framework that not only meets international standards but also reflects a dedication to creating a work environment where every individual is treated with dignity, respect, and fairness. As an essential tool, this policy is poised to shape organizational culture positively, ensuring that all stakeholders actively contribute to the prevention and resolution of instances of harassment.


Conducting a thorough stakeholder analysis is paramount for companies seeking to navigate their operational landscape successfully. This multifaceted analysis, implemented with the support of a specialised external consultancy firm based in the UK, includes a diverse array of stakeholders, each with unique perspectives, interests, and influence. The stakeholders encompass:

As integral contributors to the organizational success, employees’ perspectives, concerns, and well-being are crucial considerations in stakeholder analysis. Understanding their needs fosters a positive work environment and enhances overall productivity. 

These third parties play a vital role in the supply chain, impacting production efficiency and quality, as well as compliance with high environmental, social and governance standards. Establishing strong relationships and effective communication channels with sub-contractors ensures collaborative success. 

The board provides governance and strategic oversight. Recognizing their expectations and concerns aids in aligning company objectives with broader governance and fiduciary responsibilities. 

Leadership sets the tone for organizational strategy and culture. Their insights and decisions significantly shape the company’s direction, making their engagement and alignment with stakeholder interests pivotal. 

Companies have a social responsibility to the communities in which they operate. Recognizing and addressing local concerns helps build positive relationships and fosters community support, especially towards building more sustainable businesses and communities. 

Compliance with regulations is essential for sustainability. Regular communication and collaboration with regulatory bodies ensure adherence and improvement to legal standards and industry norms. 

Public perception can significantly impact a company’s reputation. Maintaining transparency and addressing public concerns contribute to a positive image and brand integrity. 

Collaborating with development foundations and non-governmental organizations aligns with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy and Environmental, Social Governance Policy objectives, contributing to sustainable community development. 

Active engagement with professional bodies and industry associations helps stay informed about and influence industry trends, best practices, and regulatory updates.

Investors and business partners seek returns on investments. Understanding their expectations and fostering transparent communication is essential for sustained partnerships. 

Shareholders’ interests revolve around the company’s financial performance. Providing clear information and ensuring shareholder value contributes to investor confidence. 

Media plays a critical role in shaping public perception. Establishing positive relationships with the media and managing communication effectively are crucial for reputation management. 

For companies with subsidiaries or portfolio companies, understanding the unique dynamics and needs of each entity is vital for holistic management and performance optimization.

A robust stakeholder analysis involves continuous assessment, effective communication, and strategic engagement to ensure that the diverse interests of stakeholders are considered and integrated into the organizational decision-making process. This comprehensive approach contributes to sustainable growth, stakeholder satisfaction, and positive societal impact. 

These stakeholders were involved in an assessment survey on Environmental, Social and Governance practices for APIC and subsidiaries in 2023 ahead of the Group’s materiality assessment, where decision making, and prioritisation of material topics were informed by the survey results. Additionally, two-way communication plans are developed to address each type of stakeholder, including type of information, platforms for sharing information, and presentation of information, based on their needs and preferences. 


Workforce, by age and gender

Workforce, by rank and gender

Resignations, by age and gender

New hires, by age and gender


APIC Group is committed to going above and beyond regulatory requirements in providing benefits to its employees. Recognizing the significance of its workforce, the company has implemented a comprehensive set of benefits that surpass the minimum standards outlined by regulations. These enhanced benefits reflect APIC’s dedication to prioritizing employee well-being and fostering a positive work environment.

In addition to meeting legal obligations, APIC Group strives to create a workplace where employees feel valued and supported. This commitment is evident in the supplementary benefits offered, which may include extended healthcare coverage, wellness programs, professional development opportunities, and additional leave options. By exceeding regulatory requirements, APIC Group aims to not only attract and retain top talent but also to demonstrate a genuine investment in the overall welfare and satisfaction of its employees.


A comprehensive health insurance policy covers all employees and their families.


Employee’s children can benefit from educational grants to cover the cost of tuition fees.

Liability Insurance

Our employees are automatically covered by work accident insurance.

Retirement/ end of service

Our employees benefit from either retirement or end of service, depending on the applicable local laws.

Parental Leave

Paid parental leave for both men and women (120 days for women, and 5 days for men), 100% of employees who took parental leaves returned to work.

Stock Ownership

Senior Management received shares for the first time in 2023

Striving for excellence

CEO Award is held annually and now includes a Sustainability Excellence Award for 2023 initiatives, to recognize and celebrate the most outstanding sustainable projects within APIC Group, showcasing the innovative efforts and commitment of our teams towards environmental conservation, social responsibility, or governance practices. 


Company and sector specific benefits include performance-based bonuses, discounted services, and transportation support, allowances, or vehicles. 

Number of employees who took paternity and maternity leave in 2023 by gender

Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage

Non-Employees and non-guaranteed hours

Due to the nature of the sectors APIC Group works in, individuals who are not formal employees of the company are hired as needed. While they may not be on the formal payroll, their interactions and relationships with the companies are integral to its functioning and success.

The management of relationships with non-employees is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive organizational ecosystem. Effective communication, transparency, and collaboration with this diverse group contribute to the overall success and sustainability of the business. Recognizing the importance of non-employees underscores a holistic approach to organizational dynamics, acknowledging that success extends beyond the boundaries of formal employment relationships.

Wellbeing Initiatives

Internal Communication Platform

APIC Group has a comprehensive platform designed to enhance engagement across all levels that integrates six key dimensions: communication, empowerment, motivation, wellbeing, alignment, and mastery. It is inclusive and enables every employee, including labour-level employees who do not utilise company emails, to engage using their company identification number, and is available in all languages spoken by APIC Group employees .

The platform’s role in enhancing awareness is particularly impactful. By serving as a central hub for information dissemination, it keeps every employee well-informed about developments not only within their immediate work environment but also across sister companies within the APIC Group. This ensures that every team member is connected to the broader organizational landscape, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The positive outcome of this approach is a unified, engaged, and informed workforce. Employees, regardless of their role or level within the companies, are equipped with the knowledge and context needed to contribute effectively towards common goals. This unified workforce not only enhances collaboration and innovation but also strengthens the overall organizational culture. APIC Group’s commitment to creating a platform that goes beyond traditional communication channels underscores its dedication to building a cohesive and empowered workforce, ultimately driving the organization towards collective success and achievement of shared objectives.

Wellbeing Surveys

Additionally, APIC Group prioritizes the holistic well-being of its workforce through the implementation of periodic well-being surveys. These surveys serve as instrumental tools in assessing and addressing the various facets of employee well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. Conducted at regular intervals, these surveys are designed to gauge the overall satisfaction, engagement, and health of employees within the companies.

The well-being surveys at APIC Group cover a diverse range of topics, including work-life balance, job satisfaction, stress levels, access to resources, and support systems. Employees are encouraged to provide candid feedback, enabling the company to gain valuable insights into the factors that contribute to a positive and thriving workplace environment.

Wellbeing Support

APIC Group is at the forefront of championing employee well-being with its innovative and confidential Mental Wellbeing Therapy. Recognizing the evolving needs of its workforce, APIC Group has implemented an anonymous and accessible online platform that allows employees to seamlessly book confidential therapy sessions after regular working hours. This forward-thinking service reflects APIC Group’s commitment to providing holistic support to its employees, acknowledging that personal and professional challenges may arise beyond the traditional working hours. The online platform ensures the convenience and privacy of booking therapy sessions from the comfort of one’s own space, fostering a sense of comfort and accessibility.


Capacity building has always been a top priority at APIC Group, reflecting a steadfast commitment to continuous improvement and growth. The company recognizes that an empowered and skilled workforce is essential for navigating the dynamic business landscape and staying at the forefront of industry developments. As part of this commitment, APIC Group invests extensively in initiatives designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of its employees.

Through a strategic and holistic approach to capacity building, in 2023, APIC Group launched a virtual training platform with access to over 11,000 courses, to ensure that employees at all levels have access to relevant training programs and certifications that contribute to professional development opportunities. These initiatives cover a spectrum of areas, including technical skills, leadership development, and industry-specific knowledge. The goal is to not only meet current job requirements but also to prepare employees for future challenges and opportunities.

Furthermore, APIC Group fosters a learning culture that encourages employees to pursue continuous education and skill enhancement. The company provides additional support for further education, certifications, and skill-building courses to empower employees to reach their full potential. This commitment to capacity building extends to all functions and departments, creating a workforce that is adaptable, innovative, and capable of driving the company’s success.

The outcomes of this dedicated approach to capacity building are evident in the enriched expertise of employees, improved job performance, and a collective sense of empowerment. APIC Group’s emphasis on continuous learning and skill development not only benefits individual career trajectories but also contributes to the overall resilience and competitiveness of the companies in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Virtual training hours by gender






Cyber Security










Cyber Security









APIC Group training platforms

APIC Group employees have access to two training platforms in addition to the 13,680 hours of training they received in 2023. These virtual training platforms are designed to cater to the diverse learning needs and professional development goals of our staff, ensuring they remain at the forefront of industry standards and best practices.

Coursera virtual learning platform offers a wide array of courses ranging from technical skills and industry-specific knowledge to leadership and management training. This diversity allows employees to tailor their learning journey according to their roles, career aspirations, and the evolving demands of the market.

Knowbe4 virtual learning platform focuses on fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. It provides resources for upskilling and reskilling in emerging technologies and trends, including cyber security and compliance training (including on anti-corruption), positioning APIC Group and its employees to lead in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Health and Safety

At APIC Group, the health and safety of our workforce are paramount, and we prioritize a comprehensive approach to occupational health and safety (OHS) practices. Our commitment spans various crucial aspects, emphasizing hazard identification, risk assessment, incident investigation, and proactive measures to safeguard the well-being of our employees, in line with ISO 45001, in which our subsidiaries are certified.

We maintain rigorous processes for identifying potential hazards, conducting thorough risk assessments, and promptly investigating incidents. By systematically analysing our work environment, operations, and processes, we ensure that potential risks are identified and mitigated to create a safer workplace. 

To support the well-being of our employees who may be exposed to health risks, APIC Group provides comprehensive occupational health services. This includes regular health check-ups, wellness programs, and access to medical professionals who specialize in occupational health. These services contribute to the early detection of health issues and the promotion of overall well-being among our workforce. 

We actively involve our employees in the decision-making process regarding health and safety. Through the formation of employee health and safety committees that perform regular consultations, have open communication channels, and inclusive participation, we ensure that employees contribute to the development and improvement of OHS policies and procedures. 

Continuous learning is integral to our OHS strategy. APIC Group invests in comprehensive training programs to equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary for maintaining a safe work environment. This includes emergency response training, use of protective equipment, and awareness campaigns on potential workplace hazards. 

Beyond risk prevention, we prioritize the holistic health of our workforce. Initiatives promoting physical and mental well-being, such as stress management workshops, and mental health resources, are integrated into our workplace culture. 

Recognizing our interconnected business relationships, APIC Group extends its commitment to OHS throughout the supply chain and for third parties such as consultants and contractors present in its locations. We work collaboratively with business partners, suppliers, and contractors to ensure that shared OHS standards are maintained, promoting a collective responsibility for the health and safety of all individuals involved in our operations.

Safety drills


Siniora Palestine







Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system

100% of workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system

Health and Safety upgrade at Medical Supplies and Services Company

In the year 2023, the Medical Equipment department at Medical Supplies and Services Company underwent a revolutionary transformation, signifying a significant departure from rudimentary safety protocols to the establishment of an all-encompassing safety framework. Moving beyond the mere introduction of rules, Medical Supplies and Services Company engineered a holistic system designed to safeguard every individual within the workplace. This resulted in the design and effective implementation of a robust safety system. It stands as a concrete manifestation of APIC Group’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the well-being and safety of each and every member of our esteemed team.

Revolutionizing Safety Standards in Biomedical Engineering Operations: Precision Enhancement and Risk Mitigation

The progressive evolution of safety standards within Medical Supplies and Services Company,s Mechanical Engineering department is showcased through the comprehensive transformation undertaken in various operational facets. The meticulous restructuring of safety protocols reflects a steadfast commitment to ensuring the well-being of every individual within the workplace.

Lifting and Rigging Standard Operating Procedures

A detailed lifting plan outlines load characteristics and specifies rigging equipment, ensuring a systematic and safe approach to all lifting operations. This minimizes accidents and prioritizes the safety of personnel and equipment.

Radiation Monitoring

Introduction of personal dosimeters provides real-time monitoring for individuals in radiation-prone areas, enhancing the management and mitigation of radiation risks effectively.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Detailed Standard Operating Procedures outline procedures for safe handling, disposal, and preventive measures, significantly reducing exposure risks and fostering a safer work environment.

Chemical Storage and Usage

Introduction of a comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures ensures specific guidelines for chemical storage and use, contributing to a safer workplace and responsible chemical management.

Hot Work

Specialized Standard Operating Procedures outline stringent safety measures during activities like welding, cutting, and a thorough assessment of the work area, ensuring a safer environment.

Lockout Tagout Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures ensure systematic isolation of energy sources with visible tags and locks, preventing accidental energization and enhancing overall workplace safety.

Compressed Substances

Standard Operating Procedures introduce specific measures for the safe storage, handling, and use of compressed substances, contributing to a secure workplace.

Incident Investigation

Detailed Standard Operating Procedures for incident investigation ensure thorough root cause analysis, promoting a continuous learning process and reducing the likelihood of recurring incidents.

Annual Medical Testing

Institution of an annual medical testing program ensures regular health assessments for employees, prioritizing overall well-being.

Training for Awareness

Implementation of comprehensive training programs enhance safety awareness, empowering employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate potential risks confidently.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Equipping the workforce with essential PPE, including safety helmets, hearing protection, goggles, electrical gloves, protective gloves, safety shoes, cryogenic gloves, lockout tagout kits, and arc flash kits, ensures comprehensive protection across diverse workplace scenarios. This commitment to PPE underscores MSS’s dedication to employee safety and well-being.

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Persons with Disabilities

    APIC Group is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace, and this commitment extends to the incorporation of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in the organization's workforce. Recognizing the unique skills, talents, and perspectives that individuals with disabilities bring to the table, APIC Group strives to create an environment where everyone, regardless of ability, can thrive and contribute meaningfully to the company's success.





  • Women’s Empowerment Principles

    Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of Principles offering guidance to business on how to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. Established by UN Women and UN Global Compact, the WEPs are informed by international labour and human rights standards and grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment. APIC proudly stands among the first 15 Palestinian companies to sign the WEPs back in 2021. This commitment not only showcases our leadership in promoting gender equality but also reflects our dedication to creating an inclusive and empowering workplace environment.

  • Data disaggregation by gender and age

    APIC Group's commitment to women’s empowerment is exemplified by the incorporation of data disaggregation by gender and age in all its data. Recognizing the importance of inclusivity and diversity, APIC Group has embraced a strategic approach to dissecting data based on gender and age categories. This intentional disaggregation allows the companies to gain nuanced insights into the unique experiences and challenges faced by different demographic groups within the workforce.

    By meticulously examining data through the lenses of gender and age, APIC Group aims to foster a workplace environment that is not only inclusive but also responsive to the distinct needs of employees at various life stages and across diverse gender identities. This commitment aligns with the Group’s broader goals outlined in its Environmental, Social, and Governance Policy, ensuring that social considerations are embedded in decision-making processes and initiatives.

  • Women’s Empowerment Initiative

    APIC Group's unwavering commitment to women's empowerment is exemplified through the establishment of the Women's Empowerment Initiative, under the guidance of the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Committee on the Board of Directors and steered by the Gender Taskforce. This taskforce is entrusted with driving transformative change within the companies, working towards ambitious goals that underscore APIC Group's commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace.

    One of the key objectives set by the Gender Taskforce is to ensure that women constitute 30% of the workforce by the year 2030. This ambitious target reflects APIC Group's dedication to achieving a balanced and diverse representation, acknowledging the invaluable contributions of women in various roles and sectors.

    The initiative also prioritizes supporting a whole-life balance for women within the companies. Recognizing the multifaceted responsibilities that individuals, especially mothers, often juggle, APIC Group is committed to implementing policies and practices that facilitate a harmonious integration of professional and personal life.

    Engaging women in decision-making processes is another critical aspect of the initiative. APIC Group believes in creating a culture where diverse perspectives are embraced, and women actively contribute to shaping the APIC Group’s strategies and direction. By fostering an inclusive decision-making environment, the company aims to harness the collective intelligence and creativity of its diverse workforce. This is reflected by the number of female members on the Board of Directors reaching 30%, and marked by an annual event where all women employees have the chance to engage with APIC Group’s CEO and Gender Taskforce.

    Addressing the Gender Pay Gap is a paramount goal for APIC Group's Women's Empowerment Initiative. The organization is resolute in ensuring that remuneration is equitable across all genders, underscoring its commitment to fairness and equal opportunities within the workplace.

APIC group’s women leaders

NAPCO’s women in non-traditional roles

Supporting gender diversity at National Aluminum and Profile Company

National Aluminum and Profile Company is at the forefront of progressive workplace practices by actively promoting gender diversity and inclusivity. In a groundbreaking move, the company has established a women-only production line – the first in the Palestinian aluminium production sector, breaking away from traditional norms in industrial settings. This innovative initiative challenges stereotypes and fosters an environment where women can thrive in roles traditionally considered non-traditional.  

By creating a dedicated production line exclusively for women in the aluminium production sector, National Aluminum and Profile Company aims to empower and provide equal opportunities for women in the workforce. This initiative represents a strategic commitment to gender equality, recognizing and valuing the unique skills and perspectives that women bring to the field.  

Involving women in aluminium production not only contributes to dismantling gender stereotypes but also serves as an inspirational model for other industries. It demonstrates National Aluminum and Profile Company’s commitment to breaking down barriers and ensuring that women have the opportunity to excel in roles that were historically dominated by men. 

Customer Health and Safety

Health and safety impacts of products and services

The health and safety impacts of products and services are paramount considerations for APIC Group, and are managed with utmost care. 

Governments around the world have implemented stringent regulations to ensure the safety of products and services. These regulations govern various aspects such as manufacturing processes, ingredient disclosure, labelling requirements, and product testing. Compliance with these regulations is essential for businesses to operate legally and to safeguard consumers from potential harm. 

The food industry is subject to rigorous safety standards to prevent contamination, foodborne illnesses, and allergic reactions. From farm to table, each stage of food production, processing, packaging, and distribution is closely monitored to uphold safety standards. Regular inspections, quality control measures, and traceability systems are implemented to identify and mitigate risks to public health. For more information on related certifications, please visit www.apic.ps 

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare products undergo extensive testing and clinical trials to ensure efficacy and safety before they reach the market. Adverse effects and interactions with other medications are thoroughly researched and documented to provide healthcare professionals and consumers with accurate information for informed decision-making. 

APIC Group monitors the production and disposal of products and services that can have environmental consequences, as in turn may impact human health. For example, APIC Group manages certain chemicals in manufacturing processes and the disposal of electronic waste through proper certified third-parties, to avoid the pollution of air, water, and soil, which pose health risks to both humans and ecosystems. 

APIC Group reviews products and services with safety in mind, this is essential for preventing accidents and minimizing risks to consumers. Innovations such as childproof packaging, ergonomic design features, and built-in safety mechanisms significantly reduce the likelihood of injuries and adverse health effects.

APIC Group empowers consumers with knowledge about the health and safety implications of products and services enables them to make informed choices. Education campaigns, product labelling, and access to reliable information play crucial roles in raising awareness about potential risks and promoting responsible consumption. 

In an interconnected global economy, products and services often traverse complex supply chains involving multiple countries and jurisdictions. APIC Group ensures consistent safety standards throughout these supply chains is essential for preventing the importation of unsafe products and maintaining consumer confidence in global trade.

In conclusion, the health and safety impacts of products and services are multifaceted and require a comprehensive approach involving government regulation, industry standards, consumer awareness, and corporate responsibility. By prioritizing safety at every stage of the product lifecycle, we can minimize risks, protect public health, and build a safer and more sustainable future for all. 

Food safety at Siniora Food Industries Company

Siniora Food Industries Company team specialized team in Palestine since its establishment continues to meticulously conducts comprehensive physical, microbial, and chemical examinations for all products, aligning with both international and local requirements. Through rigorous studies, the team has identified and implemented the optimal mechanisms to ensure that the conducted tests accurately and thoroughly represent the diverse range of our products. It is imperative to emphasize that no product is released to the markets without undergoing the rigorous scrutiny of these essential examinations, underscoring our unwavering commitment to delivering products that adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety.

Requirements for product and service information and labelling

Product and service information and labelling play a crucial role in ensuring consumer safety, facilitating informed purchasing decisions, and promoting transparency in the marketplace. Governments and regulatory bodies around the world have established requirements and guidelines to standardize the information provided to consumers. Here are some of our key requirements for product and service information and labelling

Many consumer products, such as food, cosmetics, and household cleaners, are required to list their ingredients on the packaging. This enables consumers, particularly those with allergies or sensitivities, to make informed choices and avoid potential allergens.

Food products must include nutritional information such as calorie content, macronutrient composition (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrates), and micronutrient content (e.g., vitamins and minerals). This information helps consumers make healthier dietary choices and manage specific health conditions.

Products that pose potential hazards to consumers must display prominent safety warnings. For example, household chemicals may include warnings about ingestion or contact with skin or eyes, which are essential for preventing accidents and minimizing risks to consumers.

Products often come with instructions for proper use, assembly, maintenance, and storage. Clear and concise usage instructions help consumers derive maximum benefit from the product while minimizing the risk of misuse or injury. Instructions may include diagrams, step-by-step procedures, and troubleshooting tips.

Perishable products and those with limited shelf life, such as food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, must display expiration dates or use-by dates. This information ensures that consumers consume products before they expire, thereby reducing the risk of spoilage, contamination, or diminished efficacy.

Products indicate their country of origin on the packaging. This information helps consumers make informed decisions including in support of local industries.

Increasingly, consumers are concerned about the environmental impact of the products they purchase. Labels such as ecofriendly certifications provide consumers with information about a product’s sustainability credentials, enabling them to make environmentally conscious choices.

Product information and labelling must be provided in languages that are understandable to consumers in the target market.

Compliance with applicable regulations and standards is paramount. Regulatory bodies enforce requirements related to product labelling to ensure consistency, accuracy, and consumer protection. Non-compliance can result in fines, product recalls, and damage to a company’s reputation.

Product labelling should avoid deceptive or misleading claims regarding the product’s attributes, benefits, or performance. Advertising and labelling must adhere to truth-in-advertising laws to maintain consumer trust and prevent unfair competition.

Security and Privacy

Recognizing the critical importance of protecting sensitive information in today’s interconnected world, APIC Group implements comprehensive security and privacy measures to safeguard customer data and maintain trust. Here’s an overview of APIC Group’s approach to customer security and privacy: 

APIC Group utilises state-of-the-art encryption techniques to secure data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that sensitive information remains protected from unauthorized access or interception.

Access to customer data within APIC Group’s systems is strictly controlled and monitored. Role-based access controls and multi-factor authentication mechanisms are implemented to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information.

APIC Group conducts regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and address potential threats promptly. This proactive approach helps to maintain the integrity and resilience of its systems and infrastructure.

In the event of a security breach or incident, APIC Group has a robust incident response plan in place. This includes clear procedures for detection, containment, investigation, and recovery to minimize the impact on customers and mitigate further risks.

APIC Group prioritizes employee training and awareness programs to educate staff about security best practices and the importance of safeguarding customer data. Employees receive periodic training utilising a virtual platform, which offers interactive modules covering a wide range of topics including cybersecurity best practices, data privacy regulations, incident response protocols, and emerging threats in the digital landscape. This virtual training platform allows employees to access training materials at their convenience within a given timeframe, track their progress, and engage in interactive exercises and simulations to reinforce learning objectives. This ensures that all employees understand their role in maintaining security and are equipped to recognize and respond to potential security threats.

APIC Group complies with relevant data protection regulations, to ensure the lawful and ethical handling of customer data. This includes requirements related to data protection, privacy rights, and breach notification. APIC Group also maintains adheres to the principle of data minimization, collecting only the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide its services. This helps to mitigate privacy risks and ensures that customer data is handled responsibly.

Data privacy at Medical Supplies and Services Company

In recognition of its role as a medical supplies company dealing with sensitive information, Medical Supplies and Services Company goes above and beyond to fortify its data privacy policy and procedures. Given the inherently confidential nature of healthcare-related data, Medical Supplies and Services Company places heightened emphasis on safeguarding the privacy and security of information belonging to various data subjects, including employees, principals, customers, doctors, vendors, and others. This specialized focus is woven into every aspect of the data privacy framework, enhancing the company’s commitment to responsible data handling. This robust system encompasses key elements to ensure the responsible and ethical handling of data:

Medical Supplies and Services Company’s commitment to data privacy is embedded within its leadership principles. The management actively supports and champions the importance of data privacy, underscoring its significance across all organizational functions.

Medical Supplies and Services Company has designated a Data Protection Officer who oversees compliance checks and ensures adherence to data privacy regulations. Management responsibilities are clearly defined, emphasizing accountability and proactive measures to uphold data privacy standards.

Medical Supplies and Services Company acknowledges the unique sensitivity of healthcare-related information and ensures that its data privacy policies are tailored to address the intricacies of handling medical and health-related data. Specialized protocols are in place to secure and protect this sensitive information with the utmost diligence. Medical Supplies and Services Company adheres to stringent data processing principles, ensuring lawful bases for data collection and processing. Special attention is given to handling sensitive personal data, with transparent privacy notices, explicit consent mechanisms, and robust protocols for data retention and deletion.

Medical Supplies and Services Company adheres to stringent medical confidentiality standards, aligning its data privacy policies with industry-specific regulations and best practices. This ensures that the handling of medical data is conducted with the highest level of discretion and ethical consideration. Thorough privacy risk assessments and data protection impact assessments are conducted, ensuring that data privacy is a foundational element in the development of any new processes or systems.

Medical Supplies and Services Company recognizes and respects the rights of data subjects. Clear mechanisms are in place to facilitate data subjects’ rights, including access, correction, and erasure of personal data, providing transparency and control over their information.

Stringent protocols govern the transfer of personal data, both within Medical Supplies and Services Company entities and with external third parties. These protocols ensure that data is transferred securely, maintaining the highest standards of privacy and compliance.

Medical Supplies and Services Company has established a structured framework for handling data privacy-related complaints. This includes a transparent process for reporting concerns, thorough investigations, and timely resolution to address any issues raised by data subjects.

In the event of a data breach, Medical Supplies and Services Company has a comprehensive breach management protocol in place. This involves immediate action to contain and rectify the breach, notification of relevant authorities, and transparent communication with affected data subjects.

Medical Supplies and Services Company invests in continuous training and awareness programs to educate employees about data privacy policies and procedures. These initiatives foster a culture of understanding and adherence to data privacy best practices throughout the company. Employees dealing with medical data undergo specialized training programs that focus on the nuances of handling sensitive healthcare information. This includes understanding the regulatory landscape, maintaining patient confidentiality, and adhering to industry-specific data protection standards.

In essence, Medical Supplies and Services Company’s data privacy framework is a testament to its commitment to the responsible and ethical handling of data. By addressing the needs and rights of various data subjects, implementing privacy-centric processes, and fostering a culture of awareness, Medical Supplies and Services Company ensures that data privacy remains a paramount consideration in all its endeavours.


APIC Group plays a significant role in contributing to indirect economic impacts that are essential for economic development and employment generation. In addition to its direct economic impact, which includes market expansion, improved services, and local production, there is also substantial income for suppliers, employees, and shareholders, as well as tax payments to the government, APIC Group also contributes to indirect economic benefits through infrastructure investments and the support of essential services.

As APIC Group continues to grow, its expansion leads to indirect contributions to the economy, impacting various sectors and stakeholders beyond its immediate operations. These indirect contributions play a significant role in driving economic growth, fostering innovation, and creating opportunities for sustainable development. Here’s how APIC Group’s expansion contributes indirectly to the economy:

Supply Chain Stimulus:

As APIC Group expands its operations, it increases demand for goods and services across its supply chain. This includes suppliers of raw materials, components, equipment, and services necessary for its business activities. The increased demand stimulates economic activity upstream, leading to higher production levels, job creation, and revenue generation for suppliers and their employees.

Local Procurement and Support for Small Businesses:

APIC Group’s expansion often involves local procurement initiatives, whereby it seeks to source goods and services from local suppliers and small businesses. In 2023, APIC Group also committed to prioritising women owned and women led businesses. By supporting local enterprises, APIC Group contributes to the growth of the local economy, strengthens supply chains, and fosters entrepreneurship. This, in turn, leads to increased employment opportunities, income generation, and economic resilience within the community.

Infrastructure Development:

APIC Group’s expansion necessitates investments in infrastructure such as office buildings, manufacturing facilities, distribution centres, and transportation networks. These infrastructure projects create jobs during construction and ongoing operation, support related industries such as construction and engineering, and enhance the overall business environment. Improved infrastructure also attracts further investment and spurs economic development in the surrounding areas.

Knowledge and Technology Transfer:

As APIC Group expands into new markets or invests in research and development initiatives, it facilitates knowledge and technology transfer, benefiting local industries and academic institutions. Through partnerships, collaborations, and capacity-building programs, APIC Group shares expertise, best practices, and innovative technologies, driving innovation, skills development, and competitiveness in the broader economy.

Economic Diversification:

APIC Group’s expansion contributes to economic diversification by creating opportunities in diverse sectors and industries. By investing in new markets, sectors, and technologies, APIC Group reduces dependency on traditional industries, promotes resilience to economic shocks, and fosters a more dynamic and inclusive economy. This diversification enhances long-term sustainability and prosperity for the economy as a whole.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

APIC Group invests heavily in initiatives that benefit local communities with priority for Persons with Disabilities, orphans and vulnerable families, health – including high priority for mental health, education, and women’s empowerment. In line with APIC Group’s CSR Policy, developed and approved in 2023, all requests for support are processed and go through a due diligence process ahead of approval, to ensure that they are in line with APIC Group’s priorities and identified needs for each community, as well as assess and evaluate the background, reputation, integrity, and financial viability of potential partners. This proactive approach allows APIC Group to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and safeguard their social investments.

APIC Group invested a total USD 2.26 million in CSR in 2023, which is 11.9% of its net profits, more than double the 5% set out in its CSR policy due to 2023 being an unfortunate year for our people in the Gaza Strip.