Environmental, Social and Governance


Supply Chain

A responsible supply chain is a cornerstone of APIC Group’s commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices. We believe in working closely with our suppliers to enhance quality standards, promote transparency, and minimize environmental impact throughout our supply chain. By collaborating with our suppliers, we aim to ensure that the products and services we deliver meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and ethical sourcing. 

One of our key initiatives is to prioritize local sourcing whenever feasible, supporting local economies and communities while reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation. By buying local, we strengthen relationships with local suppliers, contribute to the growth of regional businesses, and foster economic resilience in the communities where we operate. 

In alignment with APIC Group’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy, we place a strong emphasis on supporting women-owned and led third-party suppliers. Recognizing the importance of diversity and gender equality in the business ecosystem, we actively seek out opportunities to engage with women entrepreneurs and businesses. By prioritizing women-owned and led third parties, we aim to empower women economically, promote gender equality, and foster inclusive growth within our supply chain.  

Additionally, we actively encourage our suppliers to align with our ESG Policy by signing an agreement that commit them to uphold ethical labour practices and governance, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. These agreements serve as a framework for collaboration, outlining our shared commitment to sustainability and responsible business conduct. 

Through these initiatives, APIC Group is dedicated to building a responsible and sustainable supply chain that benefits not only our business but also our suppliers, customers, and the broader community.  



Total energy intensity for APIC, Siniora Palestine, Polonez, MSS and NAPCO

0.75 MWh per ton of product

APIC Group has maintained a longstanding commitment to energy-related initiatives, with a particular emphasis on solar energy. The group has taken significant steps towards enhancing sustainability and environmental preservation, considering solar energy as one of its primary focal points. Through investments and initiatives in the field of solar energy, the group aims to reduce harmful environmental emissions and promote sustainability within its operations. These efforts reflect APIC Group’s enduring dedication to achieving sustainable development and preserving natural resources for future generations.

LED Lighting

As part of our commitment to energy efficiency, APIC Group has transitioned to LED lighting systems in its facilities. LED lights consume significantly less energy than traditional lighting sources while providing superior illumination quality. By replacing outdated lighting fixtures with energy-efficient LEDs, we have reduced energy consumption and operational costs while enhancing lighting performance and longevity.

Refrigeration Unit Sensors

APIC Group has implemented advanced sensor technology in its refrigeration units to optimize energy usage. These sensors monitor temperature levels and adjust cooling settings accordingly, ensuring that energy is used efficiently while maintaining optimal storage conditions for perishable goods. By reducing unnecessary energy expenditure, these sensors contribute to significant energy savings and environmental conservation.

Building Management Systems (BMS)

Our facilities are equipped with advanced Building Management Systems that monitor and control various building systems, including HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), lighting, and energy consumption. These systems utilize smart technology and automation to optimize energy usage based on occupancy levels, time of day, and environmental conditions. By dynamically adjusting energy settings and schedules, BMS helps minimize energy waste and maximize efficiency across our buildings.

Energy-Efficient Machinery

APIC Group invests in state-of-the-art, energy-efficient machinery and equipment across its manufacturing and production facilities. From industrial machinery to manufacturing processes, we prioritize the adoption of energy-efficient technologies that minimize energy consumption without compromising productivity or product quality. By integrating energy-efficient machinery into our operations, we reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable manufacturing environment.

Awareness Posters

APIC Group fosters a culture of energy conservation and awareness among employees through informative posters and signage strategically placed throughout our facilities. These posters highlight energy-saving tips, best practices, and reminders to turn off lights and equipment when not in use. By promoting employee engagement and accountability, these awareness campaigns contribute to a collective effort to reduce energy waste and promote sustainability.

APIC Group has made significant strides in reducing its fuel consumption by progressively transitioning towards hybrid and electric vehicles. Recognizing the environmental impact of traditional fuel-powered cars, the group has actively embraced more sustainable transportation options. By incorporating hybrid and electric vehicles into its fleet, and the Palestinian Market, APIC Group aims to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and decrease its overall carbon footprint. This transition underscores APIC Group’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability, demonstrating its dedication to adopting innovative solutions for a cleaner and greener future.

APIC Group has made significant strides in reducing its fuel consumption by progressively transitioning towards hybrid and electric vehicles. Recognizing the environmental impact of traditional fuel-powered cars, the group has actively embraced more sustainable transportation options. By incorporating hybrid and electric vehicles into its fleet, and the Palestinian Market, APIC Group aims to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and decrease its overall carbon footprint. This transition underscores APIC Group’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability, demonstrating its dedication to adopting innovative solutions for a cleaner and greener future.

Energy consumption and production in MWh

Fuel consumption in liters (transportation)

Siniora Food Industries Company Palestine Solar Energy 

In a momentous stride towards sustainability, aligning with APIC’s steadfast policy, Siniora Food Industries Company in Palestine has inaugurated two state-of-the-art solar power stations. One, boasting a capacity of 132 kilowatts, adorns the rooftop of Siniora Food Industries Company, while the other, a robust 2.13-megawatt facility, in Deir Abu Mashaal village. These solar power stations stand as tangible symbols of APIC’s resolute dedication to environmental conservation and underscore the company’s proactive stance in championing sustainable practices. 

 This innovative initiative not only exemplifies APIC’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint but also serves as a beacon illuminating the crucial role of renewable energy in combating climate change. Beyond its environmental impact, this endeavour underscores a broader commitment to community engagement by fostering awareness about environmental stewardship. The investment in solar power infrastructure by APIC and Siniora Food Industries Company sets an exemplary standard for industries worldwide, illustrating the possibility and viability of a greener, more sustainable future. This initiative not only aligns with global sustainability goals but positions APIC and its subsidiary as trailblazers in the ongoing global movement towards responsible and eco-friendly business practices. 


Total water intensity for APIC, Siniora Palestine, Polonez, MSS and NAPCO

0.57 m³ per ton of product

APIC Group recognizes the critical importance of water efficiency and responsibility, particularly in regions like Palestine, which face significant water stress exacerbated by illegal occupation-related challenges. Operating in such areas underscores our commitment to sustainable practices and responsible water management. In light of these circumstances, APIC Group has implemented stringent measures to optimize water usage across its operations. These initiatives include:

Water Recycling and Reuse:

APIC Group has invested in advanced water recycling technologies to minimize water wastage and maximize reuse opportunities. By treating and recycling water used in various processes, we reduce our reliance on freshwater sources and alleviate pressure on the local water supply.

Water Efficiency Practices:

In food production activities, APIC Group employs efficient techniques to minimize water consumption while ensuring optimal productivity. Sprinkler systems and moisture monitoring are among the methods utilized to achieve water savings without compromising product quality.

Continuous Improvement:

APIC Group remains committed to continuous improvement in water efficiency and responsibility. We regularly assess and optimize our water management practices, incorporating technological advancements and innovative solutions to further enhance our environmental performance.

Water treatment at National Aluminum and Profile Company (NAPCO)

National Aluminum and Profile Company’s distinguishes itself in its domain through the operation of an industrial water treatment unit. This state-of-the-art facility stands as a testament to the company’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices. The implementation of sophisticated technological methods within this unit serves as a strategic initiative, allowing National Aluminum and Profile Company to pioneer water conservation measures and adopt environmentally conscious approaches in its industrial processes. 

The comprehensive capabilities of this facility extend beyond traditional water treatment methods. By ingeniously adapting mechanisms and operational approaches, National Aluminum and Profile Company not only minimizes water consumption but also contributes to resource conservation. The integration of environmentally friendly materials underscores the company’s dedication to sustainable practices, aligning its operations with global environmental standards. 

Moreover, National Aluminum and Profile Company’s commitment to responsible water management is further highlighted through its robust industrial water recycling initiatives. By harnessing innovative technologies, the company ensures the efficient reutilization of water resources, minimizing environmental impact and fostering a circular economy model within its operations.  

The resulting water from this intricate treatment process not only meets the specific requirements outlined in local Palestinian specifications (No. 227) but are also in line with stringent criteria of international standards. This meticulous attention to both global and regional standards underscore National Aluminum And Profile Company’s dedication to producing water that is not only high-quality but also tailored to meet the unique needs of the Palestinian context. 

As a byproduct of this advanced water treatment process, solid industrial waste is generated. National Aluminum and Profile Company employs a meticulous approach to managing this waste, systematically categorizing it based on its components. The waste is then efficiently collected and securely stored in sizable designated bags, purposefully designed for the proper landfilling of solid waste. This waste management strategy aligns with environmental regulations and promotes responsible disposal practices. 

In addition to solid waste, the treatment process addresses acidic and alkaline liquids, resulting in the production of industrial sludge. National Aluminum and Profile Company ensures the proper handling and disposal of this byproduct, adhering to stringent environmental protocols to mitigate any potential impact on the surrounding ecosystem. 

In essence, National Aluminum and Profile Company’s ownership and operation of this cutting-edge industrial water treatment unit exemplify its commitment to environmental stewardship, technological innovation, and sustainable business practices. Through a holistic and intricate approach, the company not only pioneers water conservation but also sets a benchmark for responsible industrial waste management within the Palestinian industrial landscape. 

Water treatment at Polonez

Polonez takes a significant stride in environmental stewardship through its cutting-edge wastewater treatment plant, designed to process 140 cubic meters of wastewater daily with an impressive efficiency rate of 97%. This forward-thinking initiative underscores Polonez’s commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices. The discharge water quality achieved by the treatment plant not only meets regulatory standards but also stands as a testament to the company’s dedication to advanced solutions in water management. 

The treated water exhibits exceptional quality, making it an ideal candidate for further innovative applications aimed at producing pure water. This not only minimizes the environmental impact of wastewater discharge but also presents opportunities for resource recovery and utilization within Polonez’s operations. The commitment to achieving a 97% efficiency rate showcases Polonez’s proactive approach in adopting state-of-the-art technologies to address environmental challenges. 

By consistently delivering high-quality treated water, Polonez not only adheres to stringent environmental standards but also sets a commendable example for the industry. This wastewater treatment plant not only contributes to sustainable water management but also aligns with broader global initiatives aimed at achieving water efficiency and conservation. In essence, Polonez’s wastewater treatment plant reflects a forward-looking commitment to environmental responsibility, emphasizing the company’s dedication to both operational excellence and environmental sustainability. 

Water consumption (cubic meters)


Siniora Palestine








Total waste diverted from disposal through partnering with companies that reuse or recycle

646.42 tons

Total waste intensity for APIC, Siniora Palestine, Polonez, MSS and NAPCO

0.03 tons of waste per ton of product

APIC Group is deeply committed to effective waste management practices across all its operations. Recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability, APIC has implemented comprehensive waste management strategies aimed at minimizing waste generation, promoting recycling, and ensuring proper disposal of residual waste.

One key aspect of APIC Group’s waste management approach is waste reduction through efficient processes and resource utilization. By optimizing production methods and adopting innovative technologies, APIC endeavours to minimize waste generation at the source, thus reducing its environmental footprint.

In addition to waste reduction, APIC Group places a strong emphasis on recycling and reuse initiatives. Through partnerships with available recycling companies and waste management service providers, APIC ensures that recyclable materials such as paper, wood, batteries, cardboard, and metal are collected, processed, and reused wherever possible.

Furthermore, APIC Group implements proper disposal methods for non-recyclable waste, adhering to regulatory guidelines and environmental best practices. Waste that cannot be recycled is disposed of responsibly, utilizing certified waste management facilities and techniques to minimize environmental impact.

Aluminum recycling at National Aluminum and Profile Company

National Aluminum and Profile Company has an advanced production line expressly crafted for the recycling and melting of solid waste generated as a byproduct of surplus production operations, manifesting in the form of cuttings and scraps. Complementing this process, inputs sourced from the local market, including materials obtained from aluminium traders and workshops, are meticulously integrated into the production line. These inputs undergo a thorough sorting and separation regimen tailored to meet the exacting demands of the production process, progressing through various stages until they transform into a refined product of aluminium alloys, purposefully engineered for hot direct extrusion applications. This output serves as a pivotal resource for hot direct extrusion production lines, boasting an impressive annual production capacity of 1,200 tons of recycled aluminium, meticulously prepared for seamless integration into subsequent production processes.  

In steadfast pursuit of continuous improvement and development, National Aluminum and Profile Company upholds its environmental commitment. Although emissions from the melting furnace chimney consistently meeting laboratory standards through dual-stage examinations conducted by an independent, licensed third-party laboratory (Ecological Labs), National Aluminum and Profile Company has installed a specialized filtration system designed to purify gases and particles emitted from the primary melting furnace chimney. This innovative system incorporates an internal collection mechanism, strategically enhancing the indoor environment within the production hall. The result is a meticulous assurance of complete compliance with Palestinian standards, specifically numbers 803 and 801, leaving no room for error in National Aluminum and Profile Company’s unwavering commitment to environmental excellence. 

Siniora Food Industries Company Palestine towards zero oil loss 

Following extensive experimentation and the incorporation of essential additives aimed at preserving both international and local oil properties, Siniora Food Industries Company in Palestine has achieved an exceptional reduction in the loss of oils used for frying frozen products, nearly approaching zero. The company’s dedicated quality team plays a pivotal role in this success by conducting routine and meticulous tests on the oil. Through repetitive assessments, they adeptly introduce necessary supplements to uphold the oil’s intrinsic properties, ensuring its stability and guarding against any changes or reactions that might compromise its characteristics. This proactive approach underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest standards in the quality of our products and reflects our ongoing efforts to optimize operational processes for sustainability and efficiency.

Diverting cardboard from disposal at Siniora Food Industries Company

In a noteworthy stride towards sustainability, aligning with APIC’s overarching policy, Siniora Food Industries Company in Palestine implements an innovative approach to manage empty cartons (cardboard). Through the utilization of a specialized press, these cartons are compacted and organized onto pallets. Remarkably, the company successfully collects an annual average of 170 to 200 tons of cardboard through this initiative. These compressed materials are then responsibly sold to specialized companies, that recycle and reuse the cardboard. This strategic initiative not only exemplifies Siniora Food Industries Company in Palestine’s commitment to sustainable practices but also underscores its proactive efforts to contribute positively to both the environment and the broader community.

Diverting cardboard from disposal at Polonez

Polonez proudly takes a proactive stance in waste management, showcasing a robust commitment to environmental sustainability. Through a strategic and conscientious approach, the company effectively mitigates its waste impact by diverting a staggering 99.99% of its waste to recycling companies. This exceptional recycling ratio underscores Polonez’s dedication to minimizing its environmental footprint and contributing to the circular economy. 

By diverting the majority of its waste to recycling, Polonez not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also sets a commendable standard for responsible corporate practices. The emphasis on recycling reflects the company’s commitment to resource conservation, reducing landfill contributions, and actively participating in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste disposal. 

It is noteworthy that Polonez’s waste management strategy encompasses a comprehensive approach, addressing various waste streams and ensuring that materials are repurposed or recycled wherever feasible. The commitment to recycling extends to diverse materials, ranging from paper and plastics to metals and other recyclable commodities. 

Polonez’s exemplary waste management practices are possible because of the availability of robust recycling services in Turkey. Leveraging the comprehensive infrastructure for waste recycling in the region. This highlights the pivotal role of governments in supporting recycling initiatives, as they play a crucial role in shaping and fostering sustainable waste management practices.  

In essence, Polonez’s waste management practices epitomize its commitment to sustainable business operations. By achieving an impressive recycling ratio and addressing waste in a responsible manner, the company not only contributes to a greener future but also serves as a role model for others in the industry, showcasing the positive impact that conscientious waste management can have on the environment and the community at large.  

Waste Produced and Disposed, Non-Hazardous, in tons ​






Siniora Palestine








Waste produced (tons)

Hazardous Waste

Siniora Palestine








Non-hazardous Waste

Siniora Palestine








CO2 Footprint

Total emissions intensity for APIC, Siniora Palestine, Polonez, MSS, and NAPCO, which is considered very low compared to industrial manufacturing

0.2 tons per ton of product

APIC Group is dedicated to reducing its emissions footprint as part of its commitment to environmental sustainability. Understanding the importance of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions for a healthier planet, APIC has implemented various initiatives aimed at reducing emissions across its operations.

One key strategy employed by APIC Group is reducing energy consumption and the adoption of cleaner and more efficient energy sources, outlined in the Energy section of this report. The company also invests in renewable energy technologies such as solar power, and makes them available to the market, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower carbon emissions associated with energy consumption.

Moreover, APIC is committed to continuously monitoring and tracking its emissions performance to identify opportunities for further reduction. The company conducts regular assessments, utilises advanced filtration mechanisms, and audits to measure its emissions output and identify areas for improvement. By setting emission reduction targets and implementing emission reduction initiatives, APIC strives to continuously reduce its environmental impact and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Scope 1 emissions (tCO2e)


Siniora Palestine








APIC Group recognizes the critical importance of biodiversity conservation and is committed to promoting biodiversity across its operations. As a responsible corporate citizen, APIC understands that preserving biodiversity is essential for the health of ecosystems, the sustainability of natural resources, and the well-being of communities.

One way APIC contributes to biodiversity conservation is through responsible land management practices. The company ensures that its operations are conducted in a manner that minimizes impact on natural habitats and ecosystems, and actively endeavours to confine its operations to designated industrial zones.

APIC recognizes the importance of raising awareness about biodiversity conservation among its employees, stakeholders, and the broader community. The company provides training to its employees to promote understanding of biodiversity issues and encourages sustainable practices both within and outside the organization.

Biodiversity at Polonez

Polonez exemplifies a holistic commitment to sustainability by incorporating a protected land area within its premises that is used for cultivating a diverse array of vegetables. This conscientious initiative not only underscores the company’s dedication to environmental preservation but also forms a crucial link in the pursuit of sustainable and self-sufficient practices. The cultivated vegetables serve a dual purpose, not only contributing to the local ecosystem but also finding their way into the company’s kitchen to be utilized in preparing wholesome meals for employees. 

The protected land serves as a living testament to Polonez’s commitment to responsible land management and the promotion of biodiversity. By nurturing various types of vegetables on-site, the company takes a proactive stance in reducing its ecological footprint, minimizing the need for external sourcing and transportation of produce. This approach aligns seamlessly with global sustainability goals, emphasizing the importance of local, sustainable food production. 

The integration of these homegrown vegetables into employee meals not only supports a healthier and more environmentally conscious diet but also fosters a sense of community and connection among the workforce. It serves as a tangible manifestation of Polonez’s dedication to employee well-being, sustainable practices, and the reduction of the company’s overall environmental impact. 

In essence, Polonez’s protected land and the cultivation of vegetables therein showcase a harmonious fusion of environmental stewardship, self-sufficiency, and employee care. This initiative exemplifies a forward-thinking approach that not only contributes to a greener environment but also enhances the overall well-being of the workforce, fostering a workplace culture deeply rooted in sustainability.