Environmental, Social and Governance


Introduction by our CEO

Dear Shareholders, Stakeholders, and Members of the APIC Group Community,

I am pleased to present to you our first sustainability report, a significant milestone in our journey towards a more responsible and sustainable future. This report marks a moment of reflection, transparency, and accountability as we delve into the profound relevance of sustainable development to APIC Group.

In an era defined by unprecedented global challenges and heightened awareness of our environmental and social responsibilities, embracing sustainability is not merely a corporate choice—it is a strategic imperative. As we navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world, it becomes evident that our success is intrinsically linked to our ability to adapt, innovate, and contribute positively to the broader community.

At the heart of our sustainability endeavours lies a holistic approach that acknowledges the interconnected dynamics between people, the economy, and the environment. Sustainability initiatives establish the foundation for supporting communities and redirecting investments.

The aggression on Gaza has severe social implications, with civilian casualties, displacement, and impact on the overall well-being of the population, including APIC Group employees in the Gaza Strip, where most were displaced, and three employees and their families lost their lives. APIC Group has invested in supporting the reduction of the humanitarian devastation in the Gaza Strip through its Corporate Social Responsibility programme, with around 1 million US dollars, and continues to prioritise our people in Gaza.

Governance aspects are critical in assessing how companies manage their operations in regions affected by conflict. This includes adherence to local and international laws, ethical business practices, and respect for human rights.

While the immediate focus during conflicts is often on social and governance issues, environmental impacts can also be significant. Destruction of infrastructure, pollution, and damage to ecosystems can have longlasting consequences. APIC Group have lost all their warehouses and facilities in the Gaza Strip that housed food and medical supplies including large amounts intended for donation to the Gaza Strip due to indiscriminate bombing from the Israelis.

In the broader context of sustainable investing, APIC Group is increasingly considering not only financial returns but also the impact of our investments on society and the environment.

The purpose of this report is not solely to showcase our progress and achievements but to communicate the fundamental shifts we are making in our business practices. It is a testament to our acknowledgment that sustainable development is not just an ethical consideration but a core driver of long-term business success. The report encapsulates our commitment to environmental stewardship, social impact, and ethical governance—pillars that form the foundation of our corporate identity.

I extend my gratitude to each member of the APIC Group family—our employees, partners, and stakeholders— for their unwavering commitment to this cause. Your dedication has been instrumental in shaping the narrative of our sustainability journey, and I am confident that together, we will continue to make meaningful strides towards a more sustainable and resilient future.


APIC Group publishes sustainability reporting on an annual basis as part of its Annual Report, gradually including all its subsidiaries and working towards achieving the highest standards in line with the Global Reporting Initiative.

APIC Group’s first Sustainability Report covers the Arab Palestinian Investment Company (holding company) and the following subsidiaries: Siniora Food Industries Company (Palestine), Polonez, Medical Supplies and Services Company (Palestine), and National Aluminium and Profile Company.

All data presented in this report is limited to APIC as a holding company and the above subsidiaries only.

For further information, contact the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Manager at APIC: Ms. Mona AlQutob  m.alqutob@apic.com.jo

Sustainability Approach

APIC has demonstrated a robust and expansive sustainability approach since its inception in 1994. Founded by a group of Arab businessmen, APIC’s primary goal is to channel funds and investments into Palestine, fostering the nation’s development and generating employment opportunities. APIC’s sustainability approach comes from its sense of responsibility, a commitment to leading by example, and extends beyond the mere adherence to international Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. Recognizing the interconnectedness of economic success, environmental preservation, and social well-being, APIC has ingrained sustainability into its core values. The company views itself as a steward of the regions it operates in and endeavours to set a precedent for responsible business practices.

The company has been actively involved in eco-friendly initiatives, focusing on resource efficiency, waste reduction, and incorporating renewable energy sources in its operations. Additionally, APIC places a strong emphasis on social responsibility, not only within its organization but also in the communities it serves. The company invests significantly in its employees, going above and beyond labour law requirements to provide benefits that exceed standard practices in its sectors. Prioritizing fair labor practices, diversity, and community engagement, APIC aims to make a positive impact beyond its financial performance. Governance and ethics are essential, ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making at all levels of the organization.