Environmental, Social and Governance


First Party: Arab Palestinian Investment Company (APIC), also referred to herein as “The Company” Second Party: Supplier, vendor, distributor, service provider, etc… 

Second Party will perform all services for “The Company” pursuant to any arrangement between Second Party and “The Company” in compliance with this agreement made and entered into between “The Company” and Second Party.   

“The Company” is committed to the highest standards of social, environmental responsibility, ethical conduct and governance. 

“The Company” expects its business partners to comply with the applicable legislations and regulations on human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption; and emphasizes the specific areas of interest outlined in this agreement. 


Second Party shall implement and maintain environmentally responsible business practices. Second Party shall respect the environment and comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety legislation and regulations.  

In addition to legislative requirements, “The Company” strongly encourage Second Party to support and promote good practices and high standards of environmental stewardship, to collectively reduce environmental footprint, fight climate change, and achieve more transparency in supply chains. 


Second Party shall conduct their activities in a manner that respects human rights in full compliance with applicable legislation and regulations.
Second Party shall unconditionally respect all anti-discrimination conditions in full compliance with applicable legislation and regulations.
Modern slavery, or any form of forced or compulsory labour, is a violation of human rights. Second Party shall take a strong stance against modern slavery and work to ensure high labour rights standards. Second Party shall not participate in operations involving child labour, and shall not participate in recruitment, or receipt of any persons, by means of threat or abuse of power.
Second Party shall not force their employees to work excessive hours and shall comply with all national legislation and regulations concerning labour and labour conditions. In case employees are asked to work overtime, their extra work is compensated in line with local legislation. 
Second Party shall implement strict policies with the aim of creating an incident and injury free work environment. At all levels, Second Party will play an active role in identifying and rectifying unsafe situations.


Second Party represents and warrants that it is familiar with all laws and regulations of the countries where it operates, and warrants that it shall conduct all activities in full compliance with such laws and regulations.
The Second Party must value free and fair competition throughout the world and comply with anti-trust and competition laws.
Second Party will and will cause any person or entity acting on its behalf to fully comply with all applicable governmental, legal, regulatory, and professional requirements, including but not limited to anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, and anti-bribery laws.  In addition to any other measures necessary to comply with laws as described above, Second Party  will not and will put in place measures that ensure any person or entity acting on its behalf will not engage in (i) bribery, (ii) embezzlement, (iii) theft, (iv) fraud, (v) extortion, (vi) collusion, (vii) abuse of discretion, (viii) favouritism, (ix) nepotism, (x) clientelism, and (xi) improper political contribution, in all their forms and in accordance with applicable laws. 
Second Party is ultimately responsible for adherence to this agreement and for compliance to relevant governance codes and guidelines. Second Party should be transparent about the corporate governance structure of their organization and provide, when needed, sound reasons for any non-compliance to this agreement. 
Second Party has and will maintain (i) complete and accurate books and records in accordance with the applicable laws and (ii) compliance policies and procedures and internal control systems designed to prevent any violation of laws.
Second Party will provide for training of any persons acting on its behalf to prevent any violation of the applicable laws.
Second Party will maintain all applicable and necessary registrations and certifications for the full duration of its agreement with The Company.

Second Party represents and warrants that any information provided by or on behalf of Second Party is complete and accurate. 

Second Party shall protect all confidential information provided by “The Company” and its respective business partners. 
Second Party shall respect intellectual property rights and safeguard customer information. Second Party shall manage technology and know-how in a manner that protects intellectual property rights. 

Grievances and/or suspension of non-compliance to this code can be expressed through APIC Group’s whistleblowing platform: Click Here

 If there is a conflict in relation to the content or scope of this Agreement, and any of Second Party  or “The Company” purchase orders, releases, delivery schedules, invoices, general terms and conditions of trade, other similar printed forms or any other signed agreement between Second Party  or “The Company” that purport to govern the same matter as set forth in this Agreement, then this Agreement prevails.